Posted by Preston Muller on Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Graham Rodgers and I hit the water at 3:00 this afternoon! This was Graham's first saltwater fishing trip so I was excited to show him what it is all about! We went to my new favorite spot, 2 miles offshore, and dropped lines. Snapper everywhere! We caught several snapper and got bit off by some sharks on the bottom. The wind picked up so we switched gears and trolled the tide line. I really wanted Graham to hook into something while trolling so that he could see how much fun it is to fight quality fish from a kayak. It wasn't long before he was hooked up! A nice king was the result! It was prime time and the bite was on - we hooked up some fresh bait and headed for more. As soon as we got over the spot, Florida Fish and Wildlife showed up to check EVERYTHING. He checked all of our fish, licenses and PFD's. Neadless to say the process took over an hour and it got too dark to fish. All in all, it was a another great day of fishing on the Gulf Coast! Tight LInes!